You Need to Know What You Don’t Know! - The Value of Risk Assessments
Risk Assessments are an integral part of the process in determining what security and safety measures you need to put in place. While...
Not If...but When. What's Your Plan?
Three headlines in the Boston area today all show the need for schools (and other institutions) to be ready for managing unanticipated...
REPOST: Ferguson – The Role of Community
With the news the Justice Report will fault bias in Ferguson: we wanted to republish our December 2014 post on the Role of Community. ...
Managing Risk in the Measles Outbreak
We often think that managing risks for our organizations is all about locked doors, closed circuit TV cameras or shelter-in-place drills....
Ferguson – The Role of Community
There have been, and will be, many articles written about the tragedy that we have come to know as “Ferguson.” In this blog entry, I...
How Not To Conduct An Active Shooter Exercise
The recent active shooter drill conducted by the Winter Haven Florida Police Department will likely become a prime example of how not to...
Risk to Schools - A Perspective for School Leaders
In the wake of the most recent school violence in Seattle this past week, the unimaginable fears of many parents, students, staff and...